From our friends at Charleston Waterkeeper…
Plastic nurdle pollution is a big problem on our beaches and in our waterways. It endangers wildlife, becomes more and more toxic over time, and fouls the beaches, creeks, and rivers we all love and enjoy.
Two and a half years after discovering the problem, we continue to find plastic pellet pollution in your waterways. The good news is it’s 100% preventable. That’s why I am going to Columbia on Tuesday 2/8 to testify before the House Environmental Affairs Subcommittee in support of Bill 596.
Plastic nurdle shippers should be required to use measures that contain nurdles and prevent loss. And, they should be held accountable for spills. Bill 596 requires just that. We can’t just sit on our hands, let spills happen, and then try to fix the problem after the damage is done. It’s a better idea, and just plain common sense, to prevent spills in the first place.
Take action to help stop plastic nurdle pollution today!
There is no reason we should have to accept plastic nurdle pollution in our waterways and on our beaches. With your help we’ll make sure they are nurdle free!
click for more info