
APR 21: Earth Day Dialogue: Sustainability and Flourishing in the 21st Century

From our friends at CofC’s Center for Sustainable Development …

An Earth Day Dialogue: Sustainability and Flourishing in the 21st Century
Thursday, April 21⋅6:00 – 7:30pm
SSMB Auditorium & Zoom

Featuring Panelists:

  • Clayton Thomas-Muller
  • Germain Jenkins
  • Kennae Miller
  • Chef BJ Dennis

Enjoy this Earth Day event that also wraps up five years of programming on sustainability literacy, featuring 4 leading sustainability practitioners and entrepreneurs who are leading voices in climate justice work locally and internationally!

During the event you will learn from the panelists as they discuss their experiences starting sustainable businesses, organizing and strategizing for community empowerment, navigating structural racism and colonialism, and how to stay inspired in the struggles for building a socially, economically, and environmentally flourishing world.

Topics will include climate change, food apartheid/deserts, transformational healing and body positivity, Gullah Geechee culture, and building cultures of mutual aid.

Can’t make it on time or don’t feel comfortable in person? Join us virtually!

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