
APR 7: Understanding Heat Risk in Charleston

From our friends at the Sierra Club/ Robert Lunz Group…

Understanding Heat Risk in Charleston
Thursday, April 7 | 7:00pm
Online via Zoom
Dr. Janice Barnes, Climate
Adaptation Partners
Dr. Jerry Reves, MUSC
Dr. Kirstin Dow, USC
Dr. Chip Konrad, UNC Chapel Hill
Casey Conrad, City of Charleston GIS team
Susan Johnson, MUSC Office of Health Promotion


Beginning in 2020, the Charleston Medical District (CMD), Climate Adaptation Partners (CAP), and the Carolinas Integrated Sciences Assessment (CISA) team along with many local partners, collaborated on an integrated heat research program, a growing focus across the southeast. In a city where chronic flooding plagues neighborhoods, and where it has always been hot, drawing attention to increases in extreme heat and associated health implications is a relatively new effort and one that requires new types of collaborations in order to be effective. Speakers at this event will share the research results and seek community feedback on ways to better integrate heat risk into local planning and investments.


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