Cow Burps, and the methane they release, are no joke. Seriously. Fortunately, we may be getting closer to a solution to this gassy problem.
“Farmed livestock are responsible for 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions related to human activity, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with beef and dairy cattle being the biggest culprit. Cows make up 65 percent of those emissions. Much of that can be attributed to their methane-rich burps, the result of enteric fermentation, the chemical reaction that allows cows (and other grazing animals) to break down plants.
In an effort to help reduce their methane output, researchers have turned to cows’ digestive systems looking for ways to improve their gut health. In Europe, researchers inoculated calves with probiotics that would potentially cut methane emissions in half. But those mass inoculations are expensive and not accessible for all farmers.
A new study from researchers at UC Davis in California, recently published in the scientific journal PLOS One, shows that seaweed could be part of the solution.”
There are many other environmental and ethical issues issues associated with global meat production. Here are some related perspectives on the topic.

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