
Charleston’s New Climate Action Plan

After a lot of work and citizen input, the City of Charleston (SC) has completed its Climate Action Plan.


This five-year Climate Action Plan reflects the latest science, aligns with international standards for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, is synergistic with other City plans, and emphasizes the importance of ongoing, equitable community engagement.

Both climate adaptation and mitigation solutions are important to achieve community resilience. Since adaptation measures (those that better prepare our community for the impacts of climate change) are the primary initiatives in the City’s Flooding and Sea Level Rise Strategy, the Climate Action Plan builds on that base by focusing on climate mitigation measures to reduce emissions and ultimately address the root cause of climate change.

Implementation of the Climate Action Plan will put us on a path to achieving the following short and long term science- based emission reduction goals:

          • Reduce emissions 56% below 2018 levels by 2030
          • Reduce emissions to net zero by 2050


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