One of the benefits of being involved with so many different projects over the years has been the opportunity to build a wide network of relationships with diverse people and organizations. These relationships are what we value most! This has put my colleagues and I in a unique position to be connectors across many different social, economic, and business sectors. I find the most happiness in bringing people together to help one another create innovations and solve problems that help our community. We also are privy to the history and stories of efforts past and ongoing in a number of different realms. This knowledge gives us an opportunity to reduce redundancy and save people time and the frustration that comes from recreating things that already exist. We can also help bring together people and resources to make really cool things happen!
That is why we are now working together with several of our friends to create an asset map that will make it easy to research and find people and projects according to what you might want to be a part of or contribute to. It also will give you access to resources that can help you with your own projects.
This is a work in progress, and will take some time develop. We will start off by listing the projects Grow Purpose Inc. is presently working on and give some profile information about the people involved. That will give us a chance to continuously connect you with the inspiring people and organizations so you can learn more about them. Regular updates will allow you to follow the progress of each project. We will also highlight other related efforts to provide opportunities to reach out and plug in.
Here is a list of some of the categories related to projects we are working on: #VeteransHealth, #Education, #At-Risk and #Underserved #Youth, #Conservation, #Environment, #Wildlife, #Flooding, #Resilience, #Agriculture, #UrbanFarms, #Health, #Nutrition, #SpecialNeeds, #Autism, #Aspergers, #DownSyndrome, #Music, #Art, #Technology, #Transportation, #Recreation, #OutdoorEducation, #ImpactInvesting, #Entrepreneurship, #womenowned and #SocialEnterprise.
This might sound like a lot.
But our specialty is building collaborations and combining efforts to increase their impact. You might be amazed at how many of these diverse categories are related in a just a couple of projects. For example, take a look at the Pink House Project we are working on with the College of Charleston that is related to about 9 of the categories listed above including veteran’s health, at-risk youth, agriculture, resilience, social enterprise and more. We will be posting updates about the progress on social media and on our website at
This is truly a community collaboration. We could not do what we do without the help of our friends!
Stay tuned for updates, including news about how we are working with our friends from Red Carpet Charleston to help new arrivals to the area get connected…

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