Humans have long imagined futuristic floating cities, but are they really a possibility given the many technological advances of the modern era?
“With the world’s population nearing 7.9 billion, and estimates projecting that it will reach 9.7 by 2050, architects and urban planners naturally speculate about cities of the future.
In the 1960s, the visionary architect Yona Friedman imagined Spatial City (Ville Spatiale), a city raised on stilts that could straddle existing cities. Around the same time, the influential British architecture collective Archigram drew up Plug-In City, a computer-controlled, adaptable megastructure of a city with removable units. And just this year, the speculative architect and film director Liam Young proposed Planet City, in which the Earth’s entire population could live in one hyper-dense city the size of Tokyo, devoting the rest of the planet to rewilding.
But what if the most promising model for a future city wasn’t on land?”

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