Here is some serious #MondayMotivation for coffee-lovers!
Climate change is seriously impacting coffee-growing regions around the world and it is a threat to the industry that cannot be overstated.
“Increasing temperatures are making coffee harder to grow and less tasty. Coffee companies, governments, and farmers are working together to make a more resilient bean—but will it be enough?”
“By 2050, according to a 2019 projection from Columbia University’s Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, as much as three-quarters of the land currently used to grow Arabica coffee—the coffee species most relied on by coffee roasters—will no longer be suitable for the crop if climate change continues on its current path and the average temperature in coffee-growing areas goes up 2.8 degrees Celsius (roughly 37 degrees Fahrenheit); it has already risen 1.5°C in those regions.”
So what can we do?
click for more info