So what is a fitting wrap-up to what has perhaps been one of the worst years in modern history?
We decided to highlight 5 articles that offer us some positive closure on 2020 and that we hope can brighten your final day of the year as well.
Time Magazine’s 100 Best Inventions of 2020
This is a fun list of cool and purposeful stuff designed to make lives better in one way or another.
3 Environmental Innovations That Give Us Hope For The Planet
And hope is a very good thing in 2020
The Resistance: In the President’s Relentless War on Climate Science, They Fought Back
Thank you, scientists!
The best environmental journalism of 2020
There is simply so much good work represented in this list. Thank you, Unearthed/Greenpeace UK.
The Environmental Initiative Awards
These inspiring people and projects have given us more reason to celebrate despite the hardships of 2020. Congrats and thank you to all involved.

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