From our friends at Charleston County Resilience & Sustainability…
SAVE THE DATES: September 1 & September 14
In-person and streaming events
Learn About Charleston County’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Arielle Gerstein, Sustainability Coordinator, Charleston County
Naturally occurring gases dispersed in the atmosphere determine the Earth’s climate by trapping solar radiation. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect. Overwhelming evidence shows that human activities are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases and changing the global climate.
Join Charleston County’s Sustainability Coordinator for a discussion of the County’s first Greenhouse Gas Inventory. The inventory includes data from 2018 & 2020 and covers three distinct categories including 1) countywide 2) individual inventories for each municipalities within the county and 3) county operations only. The inventory will be used as a baseline level for the County and be used as a starting point for planning and implementing actions to reduce these emissions.
Have your questions ready for the chat afterward!
Charleston County Greenhouse Gas Inventory Discussion – Hosted by Sierra Club
Robert Scott Small Room 235 Auditorium
175 Calhoun Street, College of Charleston
and STREAMING: Register here to participate through Zoom
MUSC’s Conversation Cafe:
Charleston County Greenhouse Gas Inventory WEBINAR
WEBINAR: Register Here
click for more info