Protecting Charleston’s Salt Marshes Through the Creation of Living Shorelines
Dr. Peter Kingsley-Smith, Senior Marine Scientist, Marine Resources Research Institute, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
February 4 @ 7pm (EST) on Zoom
Register in advance for this meeting (required):
“Estuaries form one of the predominant landscapes of the coastal zone in South Carolina, consisting of interconnected networks of intertidal salt marshes. Coastal salt marshes are, however, currently being lost at a higher rate than any other wetland habitat through the synergistic relationships between sea level rise, increased storminess, coastline development and shoreline hardening. In this presentation, Dr. Kingsley-Smith will present an overview of a current research project supported by a competitive Federal grant award to the SCDNR from NOAA’s Community-based Restoration Program providing Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Grants. Focused in Charleston County, this project will create new oyster and salt marsh habitat through on-the-ground habitat restoration efforts, while engaging a diverse community of stakeholders through volunteer, education, and stewardship opportunities.”
Note: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Hosted by the Robert Lunz Group of the South Carolina Sierra Club
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