Screenshot2-OECD 25 climate actions to change our lives for the better

FREE REPORT: 25 Actions for a Green & Just Recovery

The Organization of Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD) recently released a report on 25 climate actions that could effectively lead to a green and just recovery as we emerge on the other side of a global pandemic.

“The world is warming more quickly than anyone expected. Many scientists project the planet will be at least 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer by around 2050, or even earlier, relative to pre-industrial levels.

Such a prospect is not tenable for our well-being or our prosperity. Nor is it inevitable. We know what is causing climate change and we have the tools we need to make deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. We can and must act now.

Nearly three quarters of CO2 emissions come from human activities and have recently begun rising again. Other greenhouse gases, like methane and nitrous oxide, are also on the rise. Human activity is the main cause of climate change. It is also the source of the solution.

Climate action will improve our well-being in many other ways too, from cleaner air and healthier diets to less time spent in traffic jams. Clean transport and green spaces will free up our congested cities, teleworking will make commuting a choice rather than a chore, and new opportunities, jobs and businesses will be created.

We are already seeing signs of progress around the world. We must now make it happen for everyone.”





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