
GREEN BUSINESS: Enlightened Soil is Replacing Chemical Fertilizers

From our friends at Enlightened Soil Corp…

Whether you are growing vegetables in your backyard, ornamentals for your landscaping business, or produce on thousands of commercial acres, we want you to know that En-Soil Algae is a cost-effective alternative to synthetic NPK fertilizers and a long-term, regenerative, solution for soil, root and plant health.

We are Positive…

that our mission to create a world where synthetic-chemical fertilizers are no longer used is possible! As a Public Benefit Corporation, we are “planting the seeds” of what we want to grow, understanding that there are alternatives to synthetic fertilizers that are cheaper, just as effective, and that have no harsh, ecological, side-effects.

We are Grateful…

for our customers and clients, because you are working with us to make our vision a reality. Every bottle of En-Soil Algae sold is proof that, collectively, we can effect the positive change we wish to see in our world.

We are Taking Action…

every week in sharing with you a quote or “weekly seed” from growers, scientists, philosophers, and poets from all over the world to keep us inspired and positively focused. We also want to share a little peek into the fun and goings-on at Enlightened Soil Corp.


Happy Growing!

The Enlightened Soil Crew

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