Growing Collaborations within our Food System

GrowPurpose is proud to be offering technical assistance in the development of a new local food alliance designed to foster collaboration across diverse sectors of our food system.

While still in our infancy as a collaborative, the Tricounty Food Alliance aims to increase the efficiency and impact of our collective work as organizations participating in the Lowcountry food chain.

The alliance’s first step was to host a brainstorming session among potential collaborators.Organizations represented at this first gathering included the Lowcountry Foodbank, DHEC, Sea Island Hunger Awareness, Lowcountry Local First, CharlestonGOOD, Eat Smart Move More, Fields to Families, the Stone Soup Collective, MUSC Innovators, and a host of others.

As Renee Orth, the founder of the Stone Soup Collective, put it, we are part of “a wellspring of momentum moving toward a more efficient, just and cooperative food ecosystem in our community.”

collaboration: the diamond metaphor

Since that first gathering, we’ve decided to host monthly roving potlucks, the first of which will be hosted by theĀ Lowcountry Food Bank.

We hope you will join us on Tuesday, February 13 4-6 pm: [facebook event page]

We’ll get to learn more about with the LCFB does and begin to strengthen and multiply the connective tissue in our community so we can begin to create a more just, efficient, and resilient food ecosystem together.

We have also built the beginnings of an online directory and communications hub at

If you are a business, nonprofit, governmental agency or faith-based organization involved in our local food chain, we invite you to add your listing to our directory. We are also maintaining a curated calendar for related local and regional events.

We are just getting started but we hope you will connect with us and help us best serve the community!

Our website is 300% green - yours can be, too!
click for more info

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