The original reason for creating Grow Purpose Inc. was to develop a mechanism to support people doing good work.
The idea came from discussions with my friend Todd Chas, who is the founder of
Today, Todd and I are excited to announce the launch of “GP CHANGEMAKERS” which will be an ongoing series of short features and updates highlighting the people, projects and collaborations that make living in the Lowcountry so inspiring.
We have been fortunate to be involved in a number of really cool projects that were meant to improve the lives of people and help the environment. Through the process, we have learned a lot about how non-profit and for-profit organizations work. There seemed to be a lot of duplication of efforts and little intercommunication or collaboration. We also found that a lot of smaller operations were not getting on the radar of the people and organizations that were willing to fund their projects, nor did they have the capacity to manage large donations if they received them. It seemed that we were in a position to connect some of the dots and help people come together to collaborate on projects, while leveraging our relationships with potential funders.
Todd decided to run with CharlestonGOOD as a grassroots incubator and support network. I ran with Grow Purpose as an umbrella organization to build collaborations that would focus on projects aimed helping to address particular issues facing our community.
You can find some of the projects we are working on listed at
Here is just a taste of some of the stuff we have been working on lately
- Developing a Youth Impact Entrepreneur Course with the CofC SLI board, Pink house, and Impact Charleston
- Improving local mobility by connecting bike ways, and pedestrian paths to blue ways through a kayak share project
- Developing a statewide environmental literacy plan and leadership summit
- Building relationships with funders and organizations doing good work
Our GP CHANGEMAKERS will be posted on our web site as well as on our various social media platforms, so you can stay connected in whatever way suits you.
If you have updates on local changemakers, please share with us so we can spread the work and foster further collaborations!
click for more info