
Gullah/Geechee & the EPA: Cultural Collaboration & Environmental Restoration

In 2021, Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and Chair of the St. Helena Island Community Preservation District and Cultural Protection Overlay District Committees brought together the Gullah/Geechee community of Saint Helena Island and Beaufort County Planning Office professionals to work with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They worked in collaboration to develop a network of green infrastructure projects that will buffer storm surge and mitigate sea level rise impacts while also protecting local food production, historic sites, and cultural traditions. The project highlights the connections between sites and sets clear resilience goals for each location. Community members worked on asset mapping of green infrastructure projects throughout the island. They are now working to solidify action plans and funding sources. Gullah/Geechee Nation leaders are working with the federal, county and state agencies to ensure culturally appropriate adaptation solutions are reflected in plans and policies.[…]



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