
How Many Endangered Species Can You Name?

If you are like us, not as many as we’d like.

Since it is never too late to celebrate National Endangered Species Day (May 21) and support #EndangeredSpecies , here is a great guide to some ‘Cool Critters’ on the endangered list.


“In 1973, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed to save iconic such species as the bald eagle and the Florida panther. Thanks to this law, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service have been protecting and working to recover threatened and endangered wildlife species and their habitats ever since.

The ESA has been 99 percent effective in ensuring threatened and endangered species aren’t forever erased from the landscape. It is our best tool to stop extinction.

Here are 10 of the incredible animals protected by the Endangered Species Act:



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