It’s time for another CHARLESTON GREEN DRINKS gathering!
JULY 19 @ 6PM
This month will feature short introductions from folks working to address the impact of plastics in our local environment and beyond.
- SC AQUARIUM – With education, research and community engagement, the South Carolina Aquarium focuses on fostering positive change for the natural world surrounding us through our conservation efforts.We hold the firm belief that the solution to plastic pollution is in our hands, and the actions of each individual can keep this from becoming a reality. By implementing simple steps and substitutions in our daily lives, we can help protect water, wildlife and wild places and turn the tide on plastic pollution.
- CHARLESTON SURFRIDER – We are your local chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, a grass-roots nonprofit protecting beaches, oceans, and waterways across the United States. The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network.
- FISHER RECYCLING – Fisher is the only waste hauler who is actually recycling commercial and residential glass from Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties. Did you know that most of the glass that people think they are recycling at work and home actually ends up going into landfills? This is growing problem for the environment, and our family-owned business is on a mission to change this for the local community!
- PLANET + PURPOSE SOLUTIONS – Planet+Purpose Solutions™ advises organizations on their plastic reduction initiatives in their offices, at events, in their supply chains and distribution centers. We support product and packaging innovations and help brands respond to retailer and policy requirements around packaging. We also assist organizations with broader waste diversion efforts. We take a hands-on, customized approach to our work, developing timely, relevant, action-oriented sustainability initiatives that highlight our clients’ greater purpose
- MAMASITA’S CLOTH DIAPER SERVICE – Mamasita’s Cloth Diaper Service is a mother/daughter team who launched their business in June 2020. Cloth diapering has been a part of their family for generations. Seeing the need for a modern Cloth Diaper Service in the Charleston area prompted them to open the only Cloth Diaper Service in the Lowcountry and the they believe the entire State of SC. Last year, Mamasita’s Cloth Diaper Service kept approximately 36,000 disposable diapers out of local landfills waterways. This year, they are on track for over 50,000.
The brief intros will be followed by tabling time and open networking, giving us all the chance to both dig deeper into the issues and better connect with one another.
If you would like us to share any announcements the event, please let us know in advance (
If you would like a chance to set up a table to make plastics-related information accessible to folks, please let us know (
The CGD steering committee will be meeting at Commonhouse Aleworks from 5pm-6pm and we are encouraging other environmental groups to consider scheduling their own meetings/gatherings on site in a similar way. It’s a chance to get out of the office early, beat the traffic, and maybe create some synergistic energy in the process
We hope you all can join us for this month’s edition of Charleston Green Drinks!
About Charleston Green Drinks
Green Drinks is an international, organic, self-organizing network. Charleston Green Drinks hosts monthly gatherings that offer environmentally-minded community members a chance to connect, collaborate, and learn more about environmental resources and opportunities in Charleston. All are welcome.

click for more info