JUN 21: GREEN DRINKS: “Water, Rain Harvesting, Pollution”

It’s time for another CHARLESTON GREEN DRINKS gathering!

June is all about WATER!
And given how hot it got all of a sudden, we think the timing is pretty perfect.
This month will feature introductions to local water issues from


        • South Carolina Environmental Law Project (SCELP) – Addie Bates
          • Gadsden Creek, rural drinking water, West Ashley flooding
        • Sierra Club – Robert Lunz Group – Nina Fair
          • Connecting to South Carolina’s Black River
        • Charleston Waterkeeper – Andrew Wunderly
          • defending and restoring local waterways for healthy fishing and swimming
        • City of Charleston & Clemson Extension – Katie McKain and Kim Morganello
          • What is Charleston Rainproof?
The brief intros will be followed by tabling time and open networking, giving us all the chance to both dig deeper into the issues and better connect with one another.
If you would like us to share any announcements the event, please let us know in advance (
If you would like a chance to set up a table to make water-related information accessible to folks, please let us know (
The CGD steering committee will be meeting at Commonhouse Aleworks from 5pm-6pm and we are encouraging other environmental groups to consider scheduling their own meetings/gatherings on site in a similar way. It’s a chance to get out of the office early, beat the traffic, and maybe create some synergistic energy in the process
We hope you all can join us for this month’s edition of Charleston Green Drinks!

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