From our friends at Keep Charleston Beautiful…
Have you heard about our newly launched Adopt-A-Block Program?
This initiative is perfect for individuals or small groups looking to conduct independent cleanups on their own time. You can sign up to adopt your block via our interactive GIS map. We encourage individuals or groups to start with adopting just one block to start. The adopter would agree to maintain a specific adopted block, conducting a least four cleanups throughout the year. Maintenance includes things like picking up litter, removing weeds and debris from the road/curb edge, removing weeds from sidewalk cracks, removing decals/graffiti from signs, clearing out drain grates, reporting maintenance issues, etc. You can always start small with just litter cleanup, and expand to more tasks if you’re able.
#DoGoodGetDirty, and share what you are doing in your community to #KeepCharlestonBeautiful

click for more info