
New Tide Guages Help Water-Level Monitoring Initiative

From our friends at S.C. Sea Grant Consortium…

Tide Gauges Capture Local Data for Coastal Communities
The Consortium, in partnership with the College of Charleston, American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, and South Carolina Beach Advocates, is supporting a water-level monitoring initiative that has resulted in seven new tide gauges installed along the South Carolina coast, as well as seven gauges in North Carolina. An additional 40 gauges are planned for installation in the coastal Carolinas this year, with funding provided by the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association.
The gauges continuously collect water-level data and have greatly increased the coverage of tidal monitoring in the region. Thanks to this public-private partnership, municipalities only pay $500 of the total $2,500 cost per gauge. Local communities now have the opportunity to understand and prepare for extreme and chronic flooding, and increase resilience to sea level rise and flooding events.
For more information, contact Landon Knapp, Coastal Resilience program specialist, at (843) 953-2091.
Photo courtesy of Nicole Elko, South Carolina Beach Advocates.

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