Charleston and the rest of the Lowcountry needed a collaborative environmental news and resource network, so we built it. We are always working on new projects and developing new resources. And we are always looking for community involvement as we work collectively for the common good. So please, feel encouraged to contact us anytime with ideas, events, and other resources to share, as well as questions you may have about environmental topics in the Lowcountry.
LOWCOUNTRY GREEN DIGEST Keeping on top of all the environmental news in the Lowcountry is a challenge. Our weekly digest makes it easier. Subscribers get one curated email update of local green news, events, jobs, and more every Monday morning. |
CHARLESTON GREEN DRINKS Collaboratively organized and hosted, our free monthly gatherings offer environmentally-minded community members a chance to connect, collaborate, and learn more about local resources and opportunities. |
LOWCOUNTRY GREEN CALENDAR Our collaborative community calendar is your one-stop spot for local green events including educational gatherings, fundraising galas, plant sales. litter cleanups, and so much more. |
LOWCOUNTRY GREEN JOBS & VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES Want to be a part of all the inspiring environmental work being done in the Lowcountry? We curate all of the opportunities whether you are looking for a job or just a chance to help out. |
GREEN RESOURCE HUBS Check out our constantly evolving collection of resource collections focused on specific environmental issues or topics including climate change, plastic pollution, renewable energy and other environmental issues. |
We usually have other exciting projects in the works, and are always looking for collaborative community builders, so reach out and stay tuned!