
REGISTER NOW: 2022 Stormwater Pond Management Conference

From our friends at Clemson Cooperative Extension…

The Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium, Clemson Cooperative Extension, SC Sea Grant Consortium, and SC DNR ACE Basin NERR, presents the 2022 Charleston Area Stormwater Pond Management Conference.

A healthy pond means a healthy community. Join us at the 2022 Stormwater Pond Management Conference in the Charleston area to learn from experts on stormwater pond management topics and meet pond management professionals working in your region.

Conference will include:

  • Presentations and advice from local and regional experts in pond management
  • Vendor showcase to find pond management professionals working in your community
  • Electronic resource package with information and reference materials

This conference is intended for stormwater pond owners, HOA representatives, and property management professionals.


Flat rate ticket: $30.00. Pre-registration is required.

Final registration date April 25, 2022 by 5 pm to insure we make proper food arrangements.

A series of 5 sessions will include:

  • Session 1: Pond Design and Inspection: The Backbone of Healthy Ponds
  • Session 2: In-Pond Management for Healthy Ponds and Communities
  • Session 3: Upland Management for Healthy Ponds and Lawns
  • Session 4: In-Pond Management for Healthy Ponds and Communities (II)
  • Session 5: Tackling Obstacles: Financial Planning and CCR Updates

Field Component: Touring a stormwater pond with experts

Please do not miss out on this event and get your questions ready!

Register here:

Sponsored by: Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium, Clemson Cooperative Extension, SC Sea Grant Consortium, and SC DNR ACE Basin NERR

Limited scholarships available, contact Bea Calhoun ( or Samantha Porzelt ( for more information.

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