Here is some encouraging news from a recent report.
“Dozens of countries, including Japan, the U.K., and Germany, plan to hit “net-zero” by 2050, meaning that any greenhouse gas emissions that still remain will be offset by carbon captured by methods like reforestation or direct air capture. China, the world’s largest emitter, plans to get to net-zero by 2060. When Biden takes office, the U.S. is expected to make a pledge to reach the goal by 2050. Can we do it?
A new report looks at exactly how the U.S. can arrive at net-zero emissions—and the impacts that would have on reducing air pollution and creating jobs in each state. “Our feeling was that generally, people didn’t have a very clear idea of what it actually means to get to net-zero,” says Eric Larson, a senior research engineer at the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University. He’s part of a team of researchers who spent two years on the analysis.”

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