Screenshot Dangerous by Design 2022

REPORT: SC is 3rd Most Dangerous State for Pedestrians

From our friends at Charleston Moves…

Dangerous by Design 2022, an annual report published by Smart Growth America (SGA) that assesses pedestrian fatality trends across the United States, was released yesterday. The numbers aren’t good.

Charleston-North Charleston ranked as the 5th most dangerous metro area in the nation for people walking between 2016 and 2020. As a state, South Carolina is the 3rd most dangerous; it’s worth noting that SC ranked 4th in 2021. Interestingly, average daily walking trips in the Charleston-North Charleston metro area and SC have increased 56% and 72%, respectively (comparing 2019 to 2020 trips). This proves, yet again, that the demand for safe multi-modal space is there. People are trying to move from place to place by foot. But because our roads are not designed for human beings, our community is getting killed at astronomical rates.

SGA notes: “This epidemic continues growing worse because our nation’s streets are dangerous by design, designed primarily to move cars quickly at the expense of keeping everyone safe. The result in 2020 was a significant increase in all traffic fatalities, even with less driving overall due to the pandemic.”

You can dive into the report HERE.

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