baby food jar

REPORT: Some Baby Foods Contaminated with Toxins

A recent congressional report sheds some disturbing light on dangerous ingredients in a handful of well-known baby food brands.

“Ingredients in many baby foods, including some organic fare, are contaminated with heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and cadmium at levels that are far higher than those allowed in products such as bottled water, congressional investigators said Thursday.

Their report underscored the federal government’s persistently lax approach to overseeing the safety of baby food, some experts said, despite clear risks to infants and toddlers. Exposure to heavy metals in particular has been linked to behavioral impairments, brain damage, and even death.

“This is an endemic problem that’s been swept under the rug and never addressed,” said Tracey Woodruff, director of the program on reproductive health and the environment at the University of California San Francisco, who was not involved in the preparation of the congressional report.

“It speaks to the many areas that we need government to be active in,” she added. “Consumers can’t figure it out on their own.”

The report, by a subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, drew on data from four companies that responded to requests for information about testing policies and test results regarding their products.”

But investigators expressed concern about other brands as well.


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