repurposing disposable face masks

Repurposing Disposable Face Masks

Disposable face masks are littering our land and waterways beyond anything we could have imagined prior to the pandemic.

Here is one idea about how to repurpose some of them.

Millions of face masks are discarded monthly. What if we turned them into furniture?
129 billion face masks are produced each month. This designer turned some of them into furniture.

“South Korean designer Haneul Kim wants to draw attention to the enormity of the plastic waste problem—while also highlighting creative ways to upcycle PPE. In his latest project, he gathered thousands of thin, disposable face masks and melted them together. The result was a hard, durable plastic that he molded to form nine stools. He then dyed the stools pink, white, blue, and several multicolored patterns. Kim says he hopes these chairs help companies and designers think creatively about how to tackle this problem. For now, it’s a conceptual project, rather than something he plans to commercialize.”

What other ideas do you know that might address the face mask trash problem?

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