From the folks at SC Energy Office…
The Energy Office of the Office of Regulatory Staff (Energy Office) will begin taking applications for mini-grants beginning July 1, 2022.
The US Department of Energy provides the Energy Office with funds to support high-impact competitive demonstration projects in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation. To evaluate mini-grant applications during the competitive process, the Energy Office will be considering criteria listed in the solicitation document. Be sure to address the criteria which apply to your project when describing it in the Project Overview section of the application.
Eligible applicants include:
- state agencies,
- local governments
- public colleges/universities/technical colleges,
- K-12 public schools, and
- 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.
The maximum grant award amount is $10,000. Leveraging of funds is encouraged to maximize the energy-related benefits of a project, though cost sharing is not required. Please note that, due to limited funding, these grants are highly competitive. Only a small number of applications will be selected to receive a grant award.
Applications will be due by close of business (5:00 p.m. EDT) on August 1, 2022, and projects which receive an award must be completed by May 12, 2023. To apply, please complete and submit the application form.
If you have any questions, contact Rick Campana via email ( or by phone at 803-737-5229.
VISIT ENERGY.SC.GOV/Incentives/Grants for more information

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