Screenshot LA's Watts neighborhood

Revitalization, Environmental Racism and the City of Watts

Before you jump into this great article on the impact of revitalization efforts in historic Watts, take a moment to consider some statistics that put institutionalized environmental racism into clear perspective.

  • A “superfund site“is “land within the USA that is contaminated by various hazardous wastes. In such a case the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends the site for cleanup. Superfund sites pose high risks to the environment as well as human beings.” (
  • There are approximately 1350 superfund sites in the US. ( 2019)
  • At least 9000 federally funded housing properties are located within a mile of a superfund site (

This means that there are, on average, more than 6 public housing projects within a mile of each superfund site in the country.

Just something to keep in mind as you…

Decades after Watts revolted, the Black neighborhood is being ‘revitalized’ — but the cost is steep – Residents wonder how the most environmentally burdened place in California became one of the most vied-for plots of land in all of LA.

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