REGISTER NOW: Free Marine Education Programs

Check out these free marine education programs offered by SCDNR which start on August 11.:

(reposted from their email newsletter)

Join SCDNR’s marine education team for Virtual Summer Camp Programs!  

Every Tuesday at 10:00am we’ll be hosting an interactive virtual program. After a short discussion about that week’s topic, we’ll lead campers through a hands-on activity using simple craft supplies you probably have at home. Programs will be about 30 minutes and participants can ask questions live!

Click on the title to register. You will receive more detailed instructions and a full list of any supplies you need to gather in your confirmation email. All of the supplies are just suggestions and we can help choose alternatives if necessary. All programs start at 10:00am and recordings will be available.

August 11th: Marine Mammals – Egg carton dolphins

August 18th: Reptiles – Paper roll snake

August 25th: Jellyfish – Paper plate jellyfish

September 1st: Sea Turtles – Plastic bottle sea turtle

Click on the title to watch a recording of our past activities.

All About Invertebrates – Egg carton spider crabs

Horseshoe Crabs – Paper plate Horseshoe crabs

Discover Fish – Burrfish art

What is an Estuary? – Edible estuary

Super Squid – Dissection and squid craft

Shark Senses – Clothes pin shark

Diamondback Terrapins – Design a terrapin

Shorebirds – Build a shorebird

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