How the thesis of “People, Planet, and Profit” is transforming how we think about business, banking, and education.
A conversation with Stuart Williams
Tuesday, September 15th
4:00 to 5:00 pm EST
Conference Call :
Dial-in Number: (605) 477-3000
Subscriber PIN Code: 694469
*Also broadcast on Google Hangout. RSVP for instructions on how to join
Stuart M. Williams
Stuart has enjoyed a successful career as a business builder, owner and executive ($800m in realized value for the companies he started, ran and or worked with as an executive) purposed to help any private or public ecosystem embrace the business, investment and social thesis of People, Planet, Profit. He is the visionary behind and co-designer of the world’s first full service, 100% transparent and fully sustainable investment bank; a platform to provide instantaneous benefits for global Millennial’s purposed ot effect positive change and a trusted advisor to recognizable US Families and the impact initiatives they develop and manage. Stuart also lectures on social and environmental entrepreneurship at The College of Charleston and is a frequent speaker on how to generate the futures highest and most sustianable profits by embracing People and Planet.
In 1992, Stuart co-created the business, investment, humanitarian and environmental thesis of Making A Profit While Making A Difference. Using his own blueprint for a Whole Systems Approach that goes way beyond sustainability, his team was the first to design and run a project that engaged an entire country to build its emerging economy on the Principles of People, Planet, Profit. In addition to governments, Stuart’s firm Endobility designs similar programs for private ecosystems such as Corporations, Professionals Service Firms, Private Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and Wealth, Asset and Investment Managers.
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