The ‘Solar for All’ project in DC is a great example of a successfully community solar project that is making a huge difference in one of the many communities where it is needed the most.
“Community solar is any solar project in which the electricity generated is shared by more than one property. Customers — individuals, businesses, nonprofits or other groups — “subscribe” to a “share” of the solar plant’s output and in return receive credits on their energy bill for the value of the electricity produced by that share. Community solar happens to be one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. solar market.
Community solar allows low-and-moderate income households that cannot afford on-site solar to receive a portion of their electricity from a remote solar project. To date, most community solar is subscription-based, whereby a credit is added to a resident’s electricity bill that reduces the amount normally paid. In Washington D.C., community solar projects have helped residents save up to 50% on their utility bill.”
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