
Start the conversation: Rising seas are trouble for Charleston’s booming community

In Charleston, a place where street lines blur with sunny day tidal flooding and major storms dump enough water on downtown that one can kayak the deluge, Dale Morris is right at home.

After all, water — its function, resource and the very element that threatens to sink the historic city — is what made his career. For decades, Morris has consulted on the East Coast, West Coast and Gulf Coast on all things water, from coastal restoration to flood protection and risk mitigation. Nearly a year ago, the city nabbed Morris for the post of chief resilience officer, a job that’s been around for close to five years.

Morris knows Charleston well, that is, the city’s battle with rising waters, high tides and increasing storm surge. Even before he took the position, he had a hand in planning management and adaptation strategies for the city as climate change inevitably continues to ramp up Charleston’s flooding issues.

Is his help too late?


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