Take Action - Save Lives

TAKE ACTION: Speak up for Pedestrian & Cyclist Safety

On January 22, 2022, we lost a beloved community member when he tried to walk across Ashley Phosphate Road. Mr. Carlos Dunlap is one of many who have been killed along this corridor, which is ranked as one of the top ten most dangerous in the state for people walking and biking, and within the top five in Charleston County. SCDOT is now putting improvement concepts in front of the public for input. These recommendations came from a January 2020 Road Safety Audit, in which Charleston Moves participated. You can read more about our stance in a joint commentary with Representatives Gilliard and Pendarvis HERE.

To join us in advocating for vital safety improvements for people walking and biking, including a raised median that can also serve as a pedestrian refuge, please review the concepts (under the Project Materials section) HERE, and submit your comments by June 10, 2022 HERE.

READ MORE at charlestonmoves.org

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