Grow Purpose, the Lowcountry’s new collaborative environmental news network, is made possible by the collective effort of our GREEN TEAM MEDIA PARTNERS.
CharlestonGOOD is the Lowcountry’s Grassroots Resource & Support Network.
Our mission is to develop, support, and promote nonprofit and grassroots people, projects, organizations and collaborations in the Lowcountry.
GrowPurpose began as a consulting firm committed to using a collaborative approach to solving problems. Over time, we have evolved into a collaborative environmental media outlet and resource network. In a nutshell... WE MAKE GOOD IDEAS GROW...TOGETHER.
We are a new nonprofit org + semi-pro soccer club promoting environmental sustainability and community service in the Lowcountry and beyond. #greensportsmovement #kickplastic
The Charleston Climate Coalition is composed of a group of concerned citizens in the Lowcountry working creatively and compassionately for liberation from fossil fuel pollution and ecosystem collapse. We consider our mission deeply embedded in social and environmental justice and work to amplify the voices of our most vulnerable communities. Our goal is to ensure a just and equitable future for everyone through climate action that is commensurate with the crisis that we face.
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