At the same time, it’s important to honor the good work these colleges and universities have done—so please join Sierra in congratulating the following 20 tremendously cool schools.
me of the schools on this list may surprise you. Check it out!
If the coolest schools of 2021 had a motto, it might be “Never let a crisis go to waste.” During a year like no other, these colleges’ and universities’ sustainability officers took a deep look at how their schools operated and devised new and innovative ways to reduce their schools’ ecological footprints. Largely while sheltering in their screens, these campus administrators did the quiet, behind-the-scenes work of getting more sustainable infrastructure in place while developing new ways to engage students and their communities. Despite having to comply with COVID-19 safety protocols that complicated existing initiatives like phasing out single-use plastic bags and takeout containers, they found creative ways to manage or even minimize their waste streams, and even more important, their greenhouse gas emissions. They asked their university communities not how their schools could return to “normal” after pandemic lockdowns but how they could rebuild while fostering more ecologically regenerative and equitable ways of learning and operating. […] —so please join Sierra in congratulating the following 20 tremendously cool schools.

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