SCDNR’s “Outside In” Webinar Series: Reducing Your Food Waste this Holiday Season
Tuesday, November 2, 11:00am
Food is the number one item Americans throw away. Each year up to 40 percent of the food supply in the United States is never consumed – an annual loss of $218 billion. Wasted food also wastes resources. Any labor, energy, water, land or other resources used to produce, package and transport food from the farm to our plates are lost. Don’t Waste Food SC (DWFSC) focuses on bringing together every individual and organization in South Carolina to prevent, donate or compost extra food rather than wasting it. Amanda Edwards with the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling (home of DWFSC) will share food waste reduction tips and information that you can use at home as well as demonstrate backyard composting techniques.
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If you can’t attend the live broadcast, you can view a recording after the presentation using the registration link. Check out all of our past webinars here.

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