
Why is Recycling so Confusing?

According to Grist, in a recent post about a new investigation, the problem is Big Oil. While this may come as no surprise, the fact that the industry deception leading to much of our collective confusion was clearly strategic and that it started at least 40 years ago is noteworthy.

“It turns out that the reason there’s so much plastic shit in the ocean isn’t that you haven’t bought a metal straw yet (me either). NPR and PBS Frontline published a bombshell investigation on Friday about how oil and gas executives knowingly pushed the illusion that comprehensive plastic recycling is a viable practice — with no actual intention of making it that way — all in the interest of getting consumers to buy more single-use plastic materials.

The lie, which the plastics industry has spent many millions of dollars and decades promoting, goes all the way down to that extremely pesky “recyclable” symbol! It really is meaningless!”


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