Denmark Vesey Resources
Denmark Vesey Resources
Denmark Vesey General Sites
Denmark Vesey Biography, Timeline, Chronology, …
- Wikipedia: Denmark Vesey biography
- extensive Denmark Vesey biography
- multiple encyclopedia listings for Denmark Vesey
- chronology of Denmark Vesey’s rebellion
Text of Denmark Vesey Speeches, Letters, Quotes, etc.
- Denmark Vesey quotes
- documents from Denmark Vesey’s trial
- Denmark Vesey’s revolt foiled by slave
- artist’s rendition of Denmark Vesey from USA Today
- another artist’s rendition of Denmark Vesey
Articles about Denmark Vesey
- Denmark Vesey from a Christian perspective
- Denmark Vesey’s slave rebellion – from The Atlantic
- the Denmark Vesey conspiracy
- Denmark Vesey’s revolt in historical context
- USA Today story on Denmark Vesey’s disputed legacy
- To Live as Slaves, or Die as Men?
Books about Denmark Vesey
- Denmark Vesey: The Buried History of America’s Largest Slave Rebellion and the Man Who Led It
- He Shall Go Out Free: The Lives of Denmark Vesey
- Right on the Scaffold, Or The Martyrs Of 1822
- Wicked Charleston: The Dark Side of the Holy City
- Black Rebellion: Five Slave Revolts
- Black Rebellion: Eyewitness Accounts of Major Slave Revolts
- To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren: David Walker and the Problem of Antebellum Slave Resistance
- The Revolutionary Vol. 1: A Black People’s History of Armed Resistance to Racism and Other Forms of Oppression
- Wicked Times: Selected Poems (American Poetry Recovery Series)
- Deliver Us from Evil: The Slavery Question in the Old South
Denmark Vesey Lesson Plans
- slavery manumission lesson plan
- Denmark Vesey Rebellion lesson plan
- Denmark Vesey lesson from SCETV
- Roads to Freedom lesson plan
- discussion question on the agency of enslaved people
- Slavery by Numbers lesson plan from PBS
- Research Denmark Vesey lesson plan
- Denmark Vesey History Lab lesson plan