Our ongoing goal is to help support one another in our positive community work through resource-sharing, collaboration and meaningful communication. We launched this movement because we believe that we can maximize our collective community impact by working together.

Can we ‪#‎risetotheoccasion‬ and turn tragedy into an opportunity for transformative community building? Can we be more anti-racist, more inclusive, more kind, more positive, more productive, and more connected to one another in sustainable ways?

We believe we can, and we are committed to celebrating and supporting local efforts to work together for the common good.


Our organic gatherings, which are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, evolve according to the needs and desires of our participants, but center on supportive conversation, brainstorming, resource-sharing, project development, and collaborative planning and networking. We try to gather monthly.


The #Goodsharing movement grew out of the success of our 3-day #Goodsharing Conference (co-hosted by CharlestonGOOD & Building from the Block Up, back in April 2015) and the obvious need for more collaborative community-building in the wake of the Walter Scott and Emanuel 9 tragedies.


As you may have read, we are no longer active on Facebook or Instagram. So the best, and easiest ways to connect with others in our Goodsharing community are to

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