Welcome to the 2023 Changemakers Weekly Digest!
Charleston’s convenient source for the latest Lowcountry nonprofit & grassroots
news, perspectives, ideas, events, resources and more…
Please keep sharing your events, ideas and resources via the “CONTACT US” link on CharlestonGood.com
or via email anytime: charlestongood@gmail.com
#GoodNews – local nonprofit & grassroots headlines
- Editorial: North Charleston must fix its flawed city elections while it still can
- Former Congressional Candidate To Lead New Organization Advocating For “A Safer And Brighter Future For America’s Children”
- Take a Stand for Libraries
- Brack: A speed round of a dozen opinions for S.C.
- Palmetto Heroes is back, with down payment cash for SC homebuyers in certain professions
- Lowcountry Nonprofit Announces Spring 2023 Lineup for Coffee House Variety Show
- Charleston Police move forward on final recommendation on racial bias audit
- Inclusive Surfing on Folly Beach: Charleston County Parks’ Wheel to Surf Event Returns in May
- SC cities have some of the cleanest air in the region. Charleston is not one of them.
- SCDOT Seeks Input at Public Hearing for I-526 at Long Point Road Interchange Improvements Project
- $5M Congressional request could let Charleston rehab miles of underground tunnels
- Quintin’s Close-Ups: Be A Mentor’s Emily Cruse
- Bring Hempcrete Workshops to SC!
- Commentary: How Charleston can help disabled people whose needs aren’t obvious
- $13B budget quickly OK’d in harmonious South Carolina Senate
- Got Questions? Ask the Citizen Services Desk
For Lowcountry environmental news & resources,
check out our partners at GrowPurpose.com
#SharingHub – Charleston Good just launched a new resource hub to facilitate more community connections and more sharing in 2023
Share more with our COMMUNITY SHARING HUB
#GoodEvents – a few featured upcoming nonprofit events
- APR 24-30: Charleston Cocktail Week
- APR 26: City of Charleston – Job Fair
- APR 26: Party to Enhance Equity in Philanthropy
- APR 27: Charleston Legal Access 7th Anniversary Celebration
- APR 28: SCORE Workshop: Grant Writing Tips
- APR 29: We Are Sharing Hope SC’s 18th Annual Race for Life
- APR 29: Home Gardening Class @ Fresh Future Farm
- APR 29: Free Tour Charleston County Compost Facility
- APR 29: Money Fair
For our most up-to-date curated event listings,
#GoodStuff – interesting articles and resources from around the web
- Why Poverty Persists in America
- ‘A gamechanger’: this simple device could help fight the war on abortion rights in the US
- The Untold Stories of the Women Who Led Slave Revolts
- How Cannabis Can Help Cancer Patients
- When Teen Angst and Gentrification Collide
- Canada federal workers launch largest strike in decades
- Nonprofit AF: Philanthropy’s equivalent of “All Lives Matter”
Check out our VOLUNTEER HUB
for local organizations actively seeking volunteers
features new grant opportunities as well as lots of grants resources
#GoodJobs – local nonprofit job opportunities
For local nonprofit job openings and resources,
#GoodBooks – Newly featured in Charleston Good’s Bookshop
There Goes the Neighborhood
Jade Adia (Author)
“Equally strong in its magnetic messiness and potent candor, the novel plunges into discussions of youth activism, capitalism-fueled displacement, and racism’s myriad forms with fierce vision and conviction. A robust cast of characters diverse across various dimensions gives voice to contemporary perspectives on community-oriented social justice and performative wokeness . . . this one’s a much-needed read. Plain terrific.”—-Kirkus Reviews
Shopping for Books?
You can support Charleston Good & local bookstores by shopping via our store at BookShop.org
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