Celebrate & Support Charleston Climate Coalition!

From our partners at Charleston Climate Coalition…

Help us celebrate CCC’s 2nd birthday!!
Support our work by becoming an official member.

It is hard to imagine that two years have already passed – and thanks to our generous donors and volunteers, we have accomplished a lot. But it is time for CCC to grow beyond our volunteer-driven structure.

We need to invest in dedicated staff, expand our base, and deepen our positive climate impact in the Lowcountry!

Our success and longevity as a climate action organization requires developing a stable foundation of financial support. And to build that, we need people like you who are willing to invest in us.



The first issue will be out in March – then a quarterly release after that.

Membership Tiers

$50 – Membership (you’ll receive 4 issues of Surge)
$100 – Membership + sponsor donation for 1 issue of Surge
$250 – Membership + sponsor donation for 2 issues of Surge
$500 – Membership + sponsor donation for 1 year of Surge!
$30 – Discounted student membership rate available

You can also Venmo @ChsClimateCoalition
or mail a check to CCC, 871 Wellington Drive, Charleston, SC 29412

Our website is 300% green - yours can be, too!
click for more info

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