Sea Turtles and You: How You Can Help Our Shelled Friends!

SPOTLIGHT: “Sea Turtles and You!”

From our friends at the Center for Sustainable Development…


“Sea Turtles and You: How You Can Help Our Shelled Friends!”

Hi everyone, Chase here! I know we’re all looking forward to the end of the semester: no classes, beautiful weather, not being in class, the great outdoors, and not going to classes.

For me, though, the one thing I look forward to most each summer is Sea Turtle Season!

The South Carolina State Reptile is the beautiful Loggerhead Sea Turtle, a threatened keystone species that I had the wonderful privilege of working with last summer on Edisto Beach. It involved long, hot days, very early mornings, and super late nights, but with the guidance of Sea Turtle Specialist Lea Schwartzentruber, I learned many ways that we non-Specialists can help.

As Sea Turtle Nesting Season approaches (it officially runs from May 1-October 31), I want to share some nifty tips and tricks so you can be the most sustainable sea turtle friend you can be! I’ve split it into two categories: things you can do at home, and things you can do at the beach!



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