“Charleston’s Climate Action Plan was adopted in May 2021 and is a 5-year strategic framework to reduce carbon pollution. It includes 12 strategies and 51 action items for the City of Charleston and the entire community to pursue over the next 5 years which will put us on a path to reduce emissions 56% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. ”
Included in the plan are two “high-priority” items related to electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure that many think should be addressed immediately.
Expand publicly-accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure,
especially at ride share, mobility hubs, on-street peninsula access
and City parking facilities.Create policy to require charging stations in new large commercial
construction and consider EV ready requirements for smaller
We need more EV chargers throughout the county but particularly on the Charleston Peninsula, where residential density and tourism are both increasing rapidly.
Here are some reasons why…
- Science dictates that reducing carbon emissions is essential for the health of the planet
- 80-90% of cars’ environmental impact comes from fuel consumption and emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases
- Our local climate goals as well as noise reduction and air quality goals require more EV adoption
- Demand for EV charging stations is at an all-time high – 25% of all cars manufactured in 2025 will be electric, up from the current 5%
Our current EV infrastructure is seriously lacking, relative to current demand, and will only get worse as demand grows if we do not act now.
If we want to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable transportation and a healthier environment, while more effectively meeting growing demand from conscientious residents and tourists, common sense dictates that we need to address the “high priority” need for increased EV insfrastructure now.
ACT NOW: Let our city council know that we need more EV charging stations
1 | Boyd Gregg | greggb@charleston-sc.gov | 843-408-9798 |
2 | Kevin Shealy | shealyk@charleston-sc.gov | 843-442-6680 |
3 | Jason Sakran | jasonsakrandistrict3@gmail.com | 843-860-9080 |
4 | Robert Mitchell | mitchellro@charleston-sc.gov | 843-853-2057 |
5 | Karl Brady, jr. | bradyk@charleston-sc.gov | 757-576-3322 |
6 | William Dudley Gregorio | gregoriewd@charleston-sc.gov | 843-720-1232 |
7 | Perry Waring | waringp@charleston-sc.gov | 843-763-5388 |
8 | Michael Seekings | seekingsm@charleston-sc.gov | 843-853-5353 |
9 | Peter Shahid, Jr. | peter@charlestoncitycouncil9.org | 843-323-6474 |
10 | Stephen Bowden | bowdens@charleston-sc.gov | 757-567-0907 |
11 | Ross Appel | appelr@charleston-sc.gov | 843-343-7492 |
12 | Caroline Parker | parkerc@charleston-sc.gov | 843-597-5900 |

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