Since 2015, four community members have been killed as they biked over the North Bridge between Azalea Drive in North Charleston and Poston Road in West Ashley. In addition to these fatalities, six people on bike or foot have been injured on the bridge since 2013. We did not have to lose Christopher Oliver, James Burgess, Tommy Dixon or Jae Bellamy — their deaths were entirely preventable through safe, connected and equitable infrastructure.
To that end, Charleston Moves is advocating for the overarching solutions identified in Charleston County’s 2008/2011 feasibility study, and the next step in that process is the public’s input on the County’s proposed route alignments for a separate bike/ped bridge.[…]
Please take the time to submit your comments of support for this project. Charleston and North Charleston deserve safe, multi-modal access that is long past due. Our community cannot afford to lose more people, nor can we afford to sit on the sidelines and allow this amazing opportunity to pass us by.[…]

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